CRANIOSACRAL THERAPist and Reflexologist - Specialising in trauma, shock, stress, anxiety, tinnitus.
Simon Baker Craniosacral therapist London - photo by @philipraymondphotography
my story
Simon Baker (Registered Craniosacral Therapist & Reflexologist)
Working in the music industry as a touring DJ, music producer and sound engineer, I had been surrounded by loud music for years and as a result I developed tinnitus, which I assumed was just from the continual noise.
After having my ears checked and everything was mostly fine (I’d lost some top end frequencies many people who are surrounded by loud noise lose), a friend of mine recommended Craniosacral Therapy, explaining that it can help with calming the central nervous system which is directly related to your auditory system.
It was quite a life-changing experience for me. Not only did it reduce the ringing in my ears, but I felt like I could breathe again. I felt much calmer, more balanced and in control.
After a few treatments, I started feeling profoundly different in other ways. I felt more peaceful, more in-tune and connected with my body and much more relaxed. I hadn’t realised how stressed and anxious my system was - not just from the tinnitus - but from everything in life that I was storing up over the years. It became clear that emotions and physical tensions had been triggering this loud ringing in my head.
I continued on this path and learned how to meditate, as well as practicing yoga and mindfulness. I began to see life with more clarity and through this new perspective; I felt so much lighter and clear headed than ever before, I had found the link that was missing.
I wanted to share my knowledge and help others feel better, so began training as a Craniosacral Therapist at The College Of Craniosacral Therapy in London . I can safely say that this has, by far, been the most rewarding and fulfilling experience of my life to-date. I rarely hear the tinnitus anymore.
Since then I have also qualified from the London School Of Reflexology as a Reflexologist which is a therapy I love and has so many amazing benefits.
I work holistically to help clients with stress, anxiety, trauma, physical and emotional pain, as well as tensions and restrictions in the body. I offer a safe environment that allows clients to tap into their natural healing processes and rebalance.
I am a member of the Craniosacral Therapy Association and abide by their strict code of ethics.
Registered Craniosacral Therapist - Graduating from the College Of Craniosacral Therapy - London (2016)
Certified Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology - College Of Craniosacral Therapy - London (2016)
Qualified in Reflexology - Level 3 Diploma - London School of Reflexology (2018)
Masterclass: Tinnitus and Hyperacusis in Adults and Children - UCL Ear Institute - London (2019)
Postgraduate course in Shock and Trauma - College Of Craniosacral Therapy - London (2017)
Tinnitus for Professional Advisors - The British Tinnitus Association - Sheffield (2017)
Shadowing work with Richard Kramer (RCST) at his Craniosacral Baby Clinic - Hornsey - North London. (Ongoing)