Craniosacral Therapy - Simon Baker Holistic Health

Craniosacral Therapy and Reflexology, East and North London Specialising in tinnitus therapy, stress, trauma and anxiety. CST & Reflexology can help with many different conditions emotional and physical. Due to it’s gentle and non-invasive nature it is suitable for everyone from newborn babies to the elderly. Mothers and babies often come for problems associated with difficult or traumatic births.


what is craniosacral therapy?

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a non-invasive, subtle, and powerful form of bodywork that interacts directly with the nervous system. This happens through both physical unwinding and unraveling of tension patterns in the tissues, as well as a deep level of nervous system co-regulation between client and practitioner. Helping relieve stress, anxiety, trauma, pain, tensions, and restrictions in the body.

CST has its roots in Osteopathy and was developed through the work of Dr William Garner Sutherland. Through educated light touch, CST helps to balance the nervous system and trigger an individual's inherent self-healing mechanisms, helping to reunite the mind, body and to restore harmony, vitality and balance.

People may come for CST because they have acute physical problems like headaches or bad backs, or they may have long-standing emotional problems, as well as long-standing trauma, stress and anxiety in the body. Others come for ongoing support in their busy lives and for help to meet life’s challenges.

CST works on a very profound and subtle level, influencing the core of the system. Helping to release deep-rooted causes as well as surface issues, it often leaves people feeling in a very deep and relaxed state. See the Benefits of treatment page on how it could help you and what to expect during and after treatment)

How does CST work with PTSD/trauma? Click to read more.

The mode of CST I am trained in also involves working with the fascia (connective tissue, which surrounds and envelops every structure in the body) Fascial unwinding is an extremely valuable therapeutic process through which physical and emotional blocks, whatever their cause, can be released. Whether they are the result of physical injury (including sports injuries), infection, disease, or emotional factors, all traumas and tensions leave their mark on the body and are held into the body tissues in the form of restriction or constriction of some kind. (Please note this is NOT a massage)

The Fascia is now recognised as having profound and widespread significance for many aspects of health, with numerous research programmes in many therapeutic fields. Its significance was first identified by Andrew Taylor Still (the founder of Osteopathy) in the mid-1800s, but it is only recently that his insights are finally becoming widely appreciated and the value of fascia more fully acknowledged

Head here for more info about who can benefit, and info on the treatment itself.

How does it work? click for more

Simon Baker Craniosacral therapy London

How Many Sessions will I need?

This varies from person to person. It can often take a few sessions to connect with the body and learn how to properly relax (drop into stillness). It should be seen as a gradual approach.

Sometimes people report relief after only one or two sessions, but for long-standing issues and ongoing conditions, several treatments may be needed. Some people find they benefit from regular treatment over an extended period of time. I usually recommend five to seven regular sessions initially to feel some change, then we reassess the progress but you are welcome to come for an initial session and decide from there.

More detail about Craniosacral Therapy

Due to its name, many mistakenly think this therapy only refers to the head, but CST works with the whole person and changes may occur in body, mind and spirit during and after sessions. 

Originating from Osteopathy in the early 1900’s, CST is a light-touch method of releasing tensions and conditions in and around the central nervous system to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve the whole of a person’s health and performance.  It's a very gentle, effective and non-invasive therapy that will leave you feeling incredibly relaxed as the nervous system settles.

CST is often referred to as an educated, specific, non-invasive touch that supports your body’s innate ability to heal.  It is named for the Craniosacral system: the bones, the tissue and fluid that support your central nervous system. Like other body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory etc) the Craniosacral system has a motion all of its own.... the Craniosacral rhythm.

Applying a gentle, knowing touch along with a healing intention helps stimulate the energy and rhythmical flow of the cerebrospinal fluid within membranes and ventricles of the body. In mobilising the central nervous system and soft tissue, CST triggers an individual’s natural self-healing mechanism to help reunite the mind and body and to restore harmony, vitality, and balance. 

Craniosacral Therapy is not intended as primary healthcare but to work alongside the relationship you have with your doctor.

To book a treatment, to discuss if the treatment is right for you or get more info follow this link:

Frequently asked questions:

Research and studies into Craniosacral Therapy can be found here:


This video from the Craniosacral Therapy Association (cSTA) can help to understand how the treatment works.